martes, 6 de julio de 2010

Evolutionary Art

General terms about the idea of the different power generating art.

Evolutionary Art.
• Art applied to structures or set of structures.
• Art applied to buildings or whole buildings.
• Art applied to the habitat.
• Art applied to buildings or structures that is constantly evolving, as an object, as a concept and method.

Evolutionary Art: Revolutionary concept art comes from simplifying the term Art Elvolucionario, it means evolving art. Evolutionary Art To amend by elements and artistic concepts, a habitat.

Evolutionary Art: It is through art habitat change using innovative concepts to create pleasing aesthetics within a sustainable environment.

Evolutionary Art It is an innovative concept using art as a means to modify a habitat, achieving a pleasing aesthetics within a sustainable environment.

Evolutionary Art: Perhaps an initial definition Evolutionary Art: An innovative concept used for the combination of art (painting, sculpture, photography) as a means of changing habitats and whose implementation will achieve a pleasant setting for the development of life.

"In life, people, things, the habitat they need ... just a touch of art" ... "We must create and perceive art ... makes us different.

" Evolutionary Art:

In a set of volumes in height (buildings) add "color" as an element of identity, shall be subject to Art Evolutionary achieving remarkable aesthetic through a detailed and creative study of the structures and the environment in which they are embedded.

It seeks to highlight a work, a building, a group of buildings, house, street, a city used as a bonding element "gamma of colors and innovative designs according to the idiosyncrasies of people who live there.

Rank spaces, bring vulnerable environments, generating aesthetic evolutionary design, exact application of artistic techniques, objects and structures, so that all stand out in a single axis of identity, then we are talking about that "this" is the object of Art Evolutionary.

The feeling that the work never ends, that feeling to go ahead with new elements, that movement, that's Evolutionary Art. Anything that changes and evolves constantly with the weather. It is art in which the work continues to grow and never stops.

The evolutionary art applied to architecture, design, interior and exterior, the art itself in the midst of the use of artistic techniques and means of implementation we have to set a trend whose goal will be to achieve pleasing aesthetics of the structure worked.

Then we have three key points related to the idea Evolutionary Art:

1 - Concept: the art itself is applied to buildings or structures based on the creative development of ideas using painting, sculpture, photography and miscellaneous resources setting.

2 - Purpose: is the structure or building work, must have the approval of the people who inhabit it, the generating idea is to develop a common identity.

3 - Method: are development techniques within the innovation to be used in developing the final creative idea to achieve pleasing aesthetics. Conclusion: Evolutionary Art: "The artistic beauty in the final aesthetic being sought is the result of many factors, from its beginning to its finish.

There is not enough awareness of the artistic challenges, the habitat, nature care much when it comes to generating ideas, the framework should be always related to sustainable environment. " "There is no limit to the forms of artistic creations evolutionary applies to art, whether simple or complex medium, this type of art is constantly moving forward, constantly evolving, that's it."
Mae / maeelias / maeelias

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